I just finished taking a class in First Aid. This afternoon, if everything goes as planned, I'll take a test and become certified in Basic First Aid. I really enjoyed taking the class and I'm just praying that my learning sticks so I could actually help someone that was hurt. I, along with the rest of the class, learned how to make, tie, apply bandages and splints. We learned the best method of applying pressure for deadly bleeding and how to recognize internal bleeding. We learned how to take care of someone with a head or spine injury and most all, how to apply CPR to someone who is unconscious and not breathing. We leaned all these things on each other and life size dolls. Even though the classes went for six hours at a time and started right after lunch, ( that makes everyone sleepy) I really got right in and enjoyed it.
However, the hardest part of First Aid for me was not the bandages or the CPR, it was learning how to take initiative. When someone was simulated to be hurt I would hesitate, looking around to see if someone else was planning on doing it. I didn't want to get in their way. Or I would wonder if they were really hurt seriously enough and of course I didn't want to offend them by assuming things. I also would hesitate out of fear because of my skill level. I didn't want to hurt them more by my lack of experience.
While all these thoughts were running through my mind I was wasting precious time that I could have used helping them. Time is obviously important and precious. I need to learn how to get over myself and take initiative to help. It doesn't just apply to First Aid, it applies to everyday life. There are lots of people who need some emotional First Aid. Like a hug, a smile, or a prayer or encouragement. God is teaching me thats its important to take initiative in those circumstances as well and not waste time because time is important.
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