A couple of weeks ago my good friends/hall-mates Kami and Kaylse Rose were cleaning out their food supplies in the Whistling Winds kitchen cabinet. My room-mate Bree and I had just finished coming back from a brisk walk outside. We came in and examined Kami and Kaylse and they were organizing. Off to the side, I eyed a bag full of seasoned seaweed. I know there are a lot of the population that think this is gross to eat, but I don't. In fact, I love to eat seasoned seeweed. ( I got it from my dad) Anyhow, Bree pointed it out to Kaylse and said, "Thats a lot of seaweed. She brightened up and said, "We are trying to get rid of it, would you like it?" "YES" I almost jumped for joy but then my heart plummeted in disappointment as she told me it was wasabi flavored seaweed. I don't really like wasabi flavoring, its not that its too spicy, i just don't like the flavor. I was sadly telling her this when Bree piped up and said that we would take it anyway because she sorta liked it. So we took the big bag of seaweed to our room. One day I decided to take a bite. "OH, it was awful." I stayed away for about a week, then decided to try it again. It wasn't that bad and if I folded it right, then I could minimize the wasabi flavor and still get the seaweed flavor. Needless to say, the more I tried it, the more I started to like it.
As of right now, I'm curled up on the couch in Whistling Winds house and am eating wasabi seaweed as I write this, and I'm actually enjoying it. Dad, you would be proud of me!! People are crazy creations at times.
ME TOO! I love seaweed but I just don't like wasabi... I am very proud of you! You are very brave :)